Donde los niños no sueñan
Peru, 2017-2019 Peru is one of the countries with the highest of territory gave in concession to extractive industries. More than 15% is in concession to mining companies foreigner. For geological reasons the majority of those concessions are in the Andean area, over 3000 m a.s.l. Cerro de Pasco has more than 70,000 inhabitants and […]
Litio – ongoing

Il Salar di Atacama è un posto suggestivo. Circondato da vulcani, lagune e pietre rosse. Un posto legato agli antenati, al rapporto con la Natura, alla Pachamama. Ma nel Salar qualcosa sta cambiando. Nel Salar sta iniziando a scarseggiare l’acqua, sia dal cielo sia dalla terra. Le piogge che permettevano la sopravvivenza sono cessate. C’è […]
A new constitution’s price

In Chile 2019 and 2020 are known as the Estallido Social years. Social protests against the government of Sebastián Piñera took place throughout the country, leading the people to elections and the victory of current President Gabriel Boric. During the two-year uprising, the Chilean armed forces were cited for human rights violations for their use […]
Donde los niños no sueñan – doc

Lourdes and her family live a few meters from a large lead mine that contaminates the environment in which they live. Lourdes’ children suffer from serious diseases caused by heavy metal pollution, with consequences on their life expectation. The need to take them away from that area that is killing them clashes with the social […]

Italy, 2020 The past few months have been difficult for all of us, and so are those we are going through and those to come. Yet it is important to remember that there are more fragile sections of the population, for which more care is needed. These include people with visual disabilities, which the WHO has placed […]
Ponte Morandi – Genova

Italy, 2019 Certosa is the district of Genoa that is disappearing due to the fall of the Morandi Bridge. It was a passageway. But since that terrible August 14 when the Morandi Bridge collapsed, it has been isolated and deserted: shops close, small businesses fire. “From one day to the next we were all out […]

A short animation of environmental theme. Deforestation, pollution and CO2 emissions are the main cause of the deterioration of our planet.
No border will stop us – doc news

Serbia/Hungary 2015 (10 min)