22 min, 2022, Italy
Original language: Spanish
Subtitles: Italian, English
Genre: Documentary
Aspect Ratio: 2:35:1
Shooting Format: Color Digital Film
Sound Mix: Stereo
Directed: Stefano Sbrulli
Written: Luca Marinacci, Stefano Sbrulli
Editing: Luca Marinacci
Original Music: Slothdance & Noiregg
Filmed: Stefano Sbrulli
On-line Editor: Michele Fuccio
Mix Audio: Claudio Marani
Color-Correction: Gianluca Borgogelli
Illustration: Ginevra Vacalebre
Post-Production: Noisevideo Digital Media
Artwork: Stefano Sbrulli
Producer: Stefano Sbrulli
With the support: Source International
Lourdes and her family live a few meters from a large lead mine that contaminates the environment in which they live. Lourdes’ children suffer from serious diseases caused by heavy metal pollution, with consequences on their life expectation. The need to take them away from that area that is killing them clashes with the social and economic impossibility of imagining a future anywhere else.